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With a renewed focus on health and wellness, SpaHalekulani’s collection of curated experiences immerses guests in unique experiences that ultimately empowers individuals to enchance their wellbeing.

Beach SpasSpaHalekulani

SpaHalekulani’s wellness concept, the Art of Wellbeing, represents an evolution of their acclaimed spa program, designed to expand intellect, incite wonder, and tap into emotions necessary for wellbeing.

This collection of curated experiences takes on an integrated and refreshed approach combining six key pillars: NOURISH (cuisine), MOVE (movement), EXPLORE (nature), RENEW (spa), REST (sleep), and DISCOVER (culture) for an elevated lifestyle.

  • Adventure
  • Beach
  • Fitness Center
  • Fitness Classes
  • Hair & Nail Salon
  • Pool
  • Outdoor Pool
  • Dining
  • Yoga